
Study of the Structure of Pores in a Shale Reservoir by Large Area Par…

페이지 정보

작성자 한국입자분석연구소 댓글 0건 조회 65회 작성일 22-03-30 14:20


Unlike conventional energy resources, unconventional energy resources such as Shale Gas, Shale Oil, Tight Gas, Tight Oil and Methane Gas in a coal bed are widely distributed in the small cracks and fissures of a shale reservoir,shale reservoir, called grikes. In order to raise the recovery rate of these unconventional energy resources, it is essential to study the structure of the fine pores in the shale reservoir. 

In the case of a conventional reservoir, mineral distribution and pore structure can be observed in the mechanically polished slice of specimen using a Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FE-SEM) but it is hard to observe the pores in an unconventional reservoir because they are easily damaged during the polishing process. We pre-treated the surface of the specimen of the unconventional reservoir by the FIB(Focused Ion Milling) system and studied it with FE-SEM, but only a small area of the specimen can be pre-treated and analyzed with this measurement method.

In this research, we developed a new measurement method using IMS(Ion Milling System) to pre-treat a large area and SELPA(Scanning Electron Microscope Particle Analysis System) to analyze the pore structure.