
Thermo Fisher Scientific 4월 재료 과학 연구 뉴스레터

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작성자 한국입자분석연구소 댓글 0건 조회 924회 작성일 23-04-28 09:56


Thermo Fisher Scientific의 4월 뉴스레터입니다. 
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Materials science news from Thermo Fisher Scientific
Join our new series of battery webinars running from May through September.
Register for our live battery value chain webinar series
Join our experts on Tuesdays and Thursdays beginning May 9 for a new webinar series on battery applications. The series will run through September and cover everything from extraction and processing of raw materials to quality assurance in the production line and research and development of new battery designs.
Our panel of scientists will share their expertise and discuss the analytical and material characterization advances made possible with the latest spectroscopy, rheology, extrusion, microscopy, and image and surface analysis solutions. Each talk will be followed by a 10-minute Q&A session where you can ask questions live.
Register for the entire series or for individual talks of your choosing. All presentations will be available on-demand the next day.
Register today ›
The Axia ChemiSEM Scanning Electron Microscope is a game changer for Deon
Deon, a research center based in Hengelo, Netherlands, uses the Thermo Scientific Axia ChemiSEM Scanning Electron Microscope to analyze materials, mainly in testing and quality control. The microscope helps Deon and their clients quickly and easily achieve excellent, value-adding results. In this video, Amedeo Manca, material engineer at Deon, shares his experience using the Axia ChemiSEM Microscope in his daily work.
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Service and support for your materials research
Your groundbreaking research and analysis demand not just the industry’s best electron microscopes but also the expertise and support to help you get the most from your instrument. By integrating digital and connected elements with hands-on expert care, our service offerings can help you improve the speed and reliability of your workflow and optimize the performance of your system to achieve faster time to data.
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Learn about Connected Care services for FIB SEMs ›
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